

Information for Concert Audience Members - January 2022

To all our Concert Patrons

  • It is our aim to make Milngavie Music Club’s concerts at Cairns Church as safe and as normal as possible for our audience, consistent with the requirements and current operation of Cairns Church and the Scottish Government’s regulations. 

  • There will be additional procedures in operation as outlined below in response to the pandemic and we ask you to co-operate with our stewards, identifiable by their badges, who will assist you during the evening.

  • We will maintain a list of audience members’ contact details for tracing, should that become necessary. This information will only be held for the period required by the current regulations and will then be destroyed.

  • Our procedures may be modified for future events as circumstances and experience require. 

Entrance and Tracing

  • Please help us avoid congestion at the entrances to Cairns Church and in the foyer.

  • Enter via the foyer from Buchanan Street (the usual entrance).

  • Please wear a face mask when inside the building, unless you have good reason not so to do.

  • If you have a membership (subscription) card, please announce your name to the steward who will note your attendance on a register of subscribers.

  • Otherwise, for possible contact tracing, please enter your name and contact details (email or telephone) on one of the sheets provided at the tables.

During the Concert

  • There are no numbered seats or reserved seats. Please choose your seats appropriately to the number in your party and with regard to reasonable space between yourselves and other members of the audience. We suggest one metre social distancing.

  • There will be a short intermission during the performance but no interval with refreshments.

  • The toilets will be available at the intermission.

  • Doors will be opened during the intermission to provide ventilation. Please be prepared for the venue to be a little cooler than normal.